2H Mechanical has an extensive history of working in the education field. From summer wonder remodels to complete build to print or design build new facilities, 2H Mechanical has the experience you need.
Name | Constructor | Value |
Hayden Elementary School | Adolfson & Peterson, Inc. | $8.8M |
Glenwood Springs Elementry School | FCI Constructors | $5M |
Tomlison Library CMU | FCI Constructors | $4.4M |
Fort Lewis College Health Sciences | Nunn Construction | $3.9M |
Summit High School | FCI Constructors | $3.6M |
Crested Butte Community School | FCI Constructors | $2.8M |
Meeker Elementry School | Neenan Construction | $2.6M |
Houston Hall CMU | FCI Constructors | $1.9M |
Grand Junction High School | FCI & Dict. 51 | $1.5M |
Egale County Charter Academy | JHL Constructors | $1.5M |
Bea Underwood Elementry | FCI Constructors | $1.5M |
Orchard Mesa Middle School | FCI Constructors | $1.4M |
Roring Forlk Transit Authority Maintenance | FCI Constructors | $1.3M |
CMC Breckenridge | FCI Constructors | $1.2M |
Kelly Hall WSU | FCI Constructors | $1.2M |
LW St. John Elementry Remodel | FCI Constructors | $1.1M |
Meeker High School | FCI Constructors | $1.0M |
Fruita Monument High School | Shaw Construction | $1.0M |
Borick Hall WSU | FCI Constructors | $1.0M |
Grand Junction High School | FCI Constructors | $0.9M |
Tope Elementry | FCI Constructors | $0.9M |
Thunder Mountain Elementry | Tusca II | $0.9M |
Grand Valley High School | FCI Constructors | $0.8M |
Orchard Mesa Middle School | D&K Construction | $0.7M |
Basalt Middle School | FCI Constructors | $0.7M |
Carbondale Middle School | FCI Constructors | $0.6M |
Cap Rock Academy | Neenan Construction | $0.5M |
Lincoln OM Elementry School | D&K Construction | $0.5M |
Lincoln OM Elementry School | FCI Constructors | $0.4M |
Meeker Middle School | Neenan Construction | $0.4M |
Red Brick Building | FCI Constructors | $0.4M |
Grand Valley High School Field House | FCI Constructors | $0.4M |
Roaring Fork School District Bridges Renovation | Haselden Construction | $0.4M |
Aspen Music School | FCI Constructors | $0.4M |
Wingate Elementary School | FCI Constructors | $0.3M |
Mesa State Collage Adminisions | Sun King | $0.3M |
WW Campbell Student Center Temp Building | Shaw Construction | $0.3M |
Colorado Rocky Mountain School | B&H General Contractors | $0.2M |
Coal Ridge High School | FCI Constructors | $0.2M |
Palisade High School | School District 51 | $0.2M |
Summit High School Field House | FCI Constructors | $0.1M |
Grand Valley Middle School | FCI Constructors | $0.1M |
Sopris Elementary School Boiler Project | FCI Constructors | $0.1M |
CMU Temp Library | FCI Constructors | $0.1M |
Fruita Elementary School Underground | Shaw Construction | $0.1M |
Grand Junction High School VAV Changeout | FCI Constructors | $0.1M |
Glenwood High School Renovation: Mountain Family Health Center | Haselden Construction | $66k |
Bea Underwood Elementary Water Heater Project | FCI Constructors | $48k |
Bridges High School | Roaring Fork School District RE-1 | $38k |
Shelledy Elementary School | J. Dyer Construction | $36k |
Rocky Mountain Elementary School | Trane | $32k |
Summit Middle School Repairs | FCI Constructors | $31k |
Dos Rios Elementary School | Trane | $29.5k |
CMU University Center Domestic Preheat System | Colorado Mesa University | $28.5k |
Central High School HVAC Modifications | Trane | $27k |
Palisade High School | Trane | $18.5k |
Basalt Elementary School Boiler Project | Roaring Fork School District RE-1 | $17k |
Glenwood High School Boiler Project | Roaring Fork School District RE-1 | $16k |
Garfield County School District Annex Building | Garfield County School District RE-2 | $11.5k |
Glenwood High School Boiler Installation | Roaring Fork School District RE-1 | $11.3k |
Garfield 16 School District Learning Center for Family Learning | Garfield County School District 16 | $10.4k |
757 Valley Ct
Grand Junction
CO 81505
United States
+1 970-778-4560